Order Status
For order status, please click the link in your order confirmation email, your real time order status will be displayed for you;
You can also send email to support@usbphoneworld.com and we can communicate your order status via email;
If your order status is in pending status, this means that we have a problem to verify your payment, please email us your right billing address or send us your payment statement to show that we have charged you.
For international order and your order status is in pending stage, we will ask you to send us your bank statement or credit card statement to show that we have charged you.
For Purchase Order, please Fax your order to: 1-888-718-3609, we will ship for you as soon as we received your PO from fax; our payment policy is net 30.
We thank you for your business and we will try to ship your order as fast as we can.